Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fuming against Lane Bryant

So I just spent that last hour and a half writing my story and then posting it on RipOff Report and  I'm also preparing  a letter to send to Lane Bryant.... and I will also be contacting the credit agencies on Monday.  

I haven't been taken advantage of in a long time.  A very long time.... where I felt like someone purposely did something against my will for no reason.  

And now, comes the repercussion.  They didn't know who they were dealing with....  Here's what happened... let me know what you think.... has someone ever done this to you? Was I just naive?  Augghhh.... I can't believe what happened!

     Let me preface this by stating that I NEVER SIGNED anything stating that I wanted an open line of credit for Lane Braynt.  I was scammed by the sales representative into applying for a card by falsely representing the terms and conditions.

     I went into the Shops of Mission Viejo Mall today for my first time to visit Layne Bryant.  My friend, Casey, had been talking up the store saying what a great place it was to get business clothing.  We had been planning to go for a week because she received a coupon in the mail for a discount off of a purchase. 

      When we arrived, we were met with some great service representatives who measured me and helped me find the right clothing.  The shopping experience in the store was a lot of fun.  One service representative came up to us about three times asking if we wanted to sign up for a Layne Bryant card. My friend already had one, and I said I might be interested.  She kept asking if she could have my credit card so she could start the process.  I told her twice that if I found something I liked, I would consider it.  Within an hour,  I found several items and was ready to check out.

     The same rep who had asked me several time about the card, was at the register and I asked her to see if she had a specific pant size available. She said she would look online.  When I approached the register she had already rung up my other items and was waiting for me.  My friend also had a dress that she was going to buy.  My friend asked if we could use the coupon on both of our purchases. The sales rep then said—“I’ll tell you what, if you try to see if you are approved for a Layne Bryant card, I’ll give you 20% off, and I’ll let both of you guys use the coupon for your purchases.”  I then proceeded to tell her that I would have to talk to my husband about registering for a new line of credit before doing anything. 

      She then said, “Well you don’t have to accept the card. All I’ll do is see if you could have an open line of credit, and you’ll get 20% off of the purchase and both of you can use the coupon if you just give me your information.”  I asked her again if it would be an open line of credit and she said “No, all I need to do it put in your application, nothing will open if you don’t want it to.”  I didn’t see anything wrong with that—she made it sound like all she needed was an application, and nothing would happen—so I gave her my credit card, my social security number, and my address. 

     All of a sudden she hands me these terms and conditions along with a receipt saying, “you were approved, your line of credit is $300.00.  Congratulations! Do you want to put this on your new card?” 

      I was so taken aback that I said, “What do you mean I have a line of credit?  I thought I was just giving you an application, you said I could decline the card if I didn’t want it, all you were going to do was see if I was able to open a card or not.” 

      She said, “I’m sorry, but you were approved, so it just put you through and gave you a card, look at the receipt, here are your terms and conditions.”  I didn’t know what to say, I was flabbergasted.

     I then said “you just totally tricked me so you could sign up someone on a new card.  You totally lied to me.” 

      She just smiled and said, “I told you, you would be getting a card.” I couldn’t believe that she totally lied to me! 

      I couldn’t believe how I was taken advantage of.  My pleasurable shopping experience turned completely negative and I felt so helpless that someone would take advantage of me my credit like that.  My friend started to argue with her as well and was trying to ask her why she totally just lied to us and then did exactly what I told her I didn’t want her to do.  I looked to the other sales reps for help, but they just looked at me with pity… I couldn’t believe it!

      I started to argue with her again and said, “I don’t want a line of credit, can you please undo what you just did?” 

     The representative said, “Sorry, I can’t do anything anymore, you’ll have to do what ever it says on the terms and conditions.” 

     I said, “What do you mean?  You didn’t even explain to me how the card or the whole program worked.”  She then said “sorry, but you’ll have to contact your credit agency or the company, but there is nothing I can do”.  

       My friend was so disgusted by the whole thing that she handed the dress back and said “I won’t shop at a company that takes advantage and tricks people. You’ve lost my business.”  We walked off fuming.

 I NEVER SIGNED anything stating that I wanted her to run my credit, nor did I sign anything stating that I wanted a card or a line of credit open at this company.  I was scammed by the sales representative into applying for a card by falsely representing the terms and conditions.

      I couldn’t believe how horrible the situation was! I hope they don’t scam other shoppers like me. 


So what do you think? Was I scammed? Or taken advantage of?  Man!!! I'm still so upset about it!




Chatty Cathy World said...

This ticks me off. Also call Corporate and totally rat on Her. Did you get her name? You should call that trouble shooter guy on the news too.

amelia said...

WOW. Do you have her name? Or at least the receipt? Send a copy of the receipt with it, so the company can get her name/customer ID. I would send the letter to corporate and to the Mission Viejo store. That is SO SO shady.

Chatty Cathy World said...

I woke up thinking of this Employee and feel soooo mad!!!!!!

Chelle said...

Wow, that was pretty bad! For sure call around & tell everyone her name. Hopefully whatever benefits she got for signing someone up for anew card won't be so great if she gets fired or at least written up. I just had to dispute an extra dollar charge from PF Changs(same mall), because the server decided she deserved more tip. For the record, we tip very generously.

Barbara said...

Follow through ...You were scammed...I wonder who else she has done this to and didn't say anything..makes you wonder.
Hope you hear from corporate about this matter... Please write about it if you do.

Carrie Braunalicious said...

You have every right to be livid- and should ABSOLUTELY get that lady in as much trouble as humanly possible. I totally browse there, but won't anymore just to support my Debbie!

Nicole said...

Lane Bryant is notorious for scamming customers. I have had something similar to this happen to my friend. I shop at LB out of necessity (few other places carry a decent selection in my size) but I usually leave the store with a bad taste in my mouth.

Mrs. Case said...

If y'all think this is bad, then keep in mind Deb is super nice and therefore sugar-coating. The lady was ten times worse than Deb described. And she also left out the fact that I said in front of the lady that we were not interested, and that before it all happened, I ALSO grilled her on the terms. She blatantly lied. I am writing them a letter as well and will be cancelling my account. Sickening.