Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Russ' New Baby

So this weekend Russ finally got his DREAM CAR! A Lancer Evolution with a whole bunch of turbo things that make it extremely fast. (He will definitely have to write a post later to let you know what is on it--because I'm not really good at all of the car lingo stuff.) I wanted to get some pictures up. The first few are of him signing the papers and on Sunday we went for a drive and decided to trespass on the abandoned El Toro Marine base to get some sweet shots before the Irvine Police had to come and ask us to leave.


Hizzeather said...

Yeah! :)

Desiree said...

Congrats on the new ride! Like the shiny white. Does it still have the new car smell? Love that. Want to take us for a spin in September? Fun!

Chatty Cathy World said...

O.K. Sooooo we are soooo Happy for you Son!!!! Way Cool Car. Drive careful!!!

Kathy said...

I love all the technical things it has "a whole bunch of turbo things"
Russ keep it on all fours! When I was 17 I used to race around the valley with your Dad and Debbie's Dad and Dave (now my husband)! Now you guys are the menace on the street of CA! BE CAREFUL!!!!