Friday, October 17, 2008

Pictures & Blog Are Up for Our Condo we are trying to rent!

Hey guys! We're looking to rent our condo (we are going to rent out my parents old house) and finally have pictures up!  If you know of anyone interested please let us know... it's amazingly priced, so it'll probably go pretty fast, but it would be way cooler to rent it to someone we know....  we set up a blog with more pictures at: and on craigslist at


Mrs. Case said...

I don't get it? How come you're trying so hard to get ir rented? I thought you guys were just renters? Are you trying to sub-let so you can get out of your lease and move to your parent's house quicker? Good luck!

Kristyn said...

Very cute!! If I could, I would totally help ya out.

Bimbo Baggins said...

How much is it going for?