Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fall tv lineup is in full bloom

With some sweet shows just around the corner I am most excited
For the office as you can see from my dwight schrute stress ball head
and I have a talking michael Scott bobble head. Should be fun. Voice
your comments on your favorite upcoming show. New or returning


Becca said...

I cannot wait fot the office!! The What I'm wondering about is Toby and Ryan. Are they going to still be characters, or did they write themselves out? I think it would be cool if they followed both of them, like when they followed Jim to Stamford. Yay for the Office! (And that's all I'm looking forward to)

Chelle said...

The Office!!! I am worried with the move that we will miss my shows! I am making my parents get a DVR just for me!!! I am also excited for Desperate Housewives (I know...) & 30 Rock.

Scott and Carly said...

The office!!! I just did some season 4 viewing yesterday to get ready!!