Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Taylors Halloween Party part 2--the food

The food was awesome! My friend Narine created a whole bunch of ideas and we put them to life. The menu included mummy dogs for appetizers (hot dogs with croissants wrapped around them with pepper balls as eyes--they went so fast we couldn't get a picture of them!), then for dessert we had coffin brownies (brownies cut out like coffins, with RIP written on them), Frankenstein rice crispy treats (rice crispy's dipped in frosting with sprinkles, chocolate chips, and mike n ikes), pumpkin rice crispy treats, RIP pudding cups (brownies or sprinkles were used as the dirt and a chocolate cookie with RIP on it as the tombstone), and the most beautiful pumpkin cake you've ever seen (so beautiful that no-one touched it and still, a week later, I'm using as a centerpiece because it just looks so great!). We had sherbet punch (fruit punch, orange juice, 7-up, and orange sherbet) with some dry ice to give it a scary look. Here are some pics of the food.

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