Saturday, October 3, 2009

Holy Poop!


So this morning, Russ and I wake up to this next to my side of the bed.  The little stealth puppy must have grabbed the scriptures off of the night stand and taken it to his lair (aka underneath the bed) and decided to shred away.  There was leather and pages everywhere when we woke up.  So Russ says "forgive him for he knows not what he does."  All I've got to say is I'm not cleaning up his holy poop. 


sachiko said...

I have to say, that's one Muzah's never done. He did eat half a stick of butter and 7 rolls off the counter the other day though.

The Trotter Family said...

He just took the "feasting upon the word" too literal!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you are feeding him enough at dinner time? Crazy, Baxter! Now what will Russ do without his scriptures???

amelia said...

He must be anti.

Cal said...

In the midst of blog-stalking, I have to say that Russ' response was so classic Russ! I am still laughing over it. Anyway, sounds like you guys are doing well. Hope it doesn't freak you out that I read your blog... :)