Monday, June 15, 2009

Big Guys In A Little Car!

So what happens when Russ and his friend get stuck in a car trailer with no way out? They attempt to go through the window! The first guy, I don't know how he does it, becomes a human pretzel and uses his leg (where does it come from?) to finally push himself out. Russ, a little less coordinated looks like he's being birthed from the car (breach is more like it) and wiggles himself out. This is a must see!!!


Chelle said...

I was getting clausterphobic just looking at that!!! Yikes!

Carrie Braunalicious said...

OMG- I totally laughed outloud watching that and both of my coworkers had to come over and see what was going on. That is amazing.
Thank you for sharing!!!

Valley Girl said...

Dear russ,
how did you get stuck in a

yeah,ok i'm laughing my a@* off actually!

amelia said...

So funny - and love your bangs!